Verse of the Day

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Simple Woman's Daybook~2

For More Daybooks: Go Here

FOR TODAY... February 1, 2010                 

Outside my window...  the snow has mostly melted here at the house.                                      
I am thinking...  about all the things that need to be done around here, and I just don't have the energy to do them all.                           
I am thankful for...   my electricity staying on this weekend.                                              
I am wearing...    my brown jeans, blue turtleneck sweater, and my brown boots. I'm getting ready to head to town.                    
I am remembering...  my Mammow. She was my Mother's Mom. She died, when I was not
quite 16, of cancer. She was such a wonderful woman, and I miss her very much.                   
I am going...     to try to get the boys and myself in to see the doctor, today.                     
I am currently reading...     My Bible and I'm still reading Raising Real Men by Hal and
Melanie Young
From the learning rooms... The boys are slowly catching up. They are working on Math and Language Arts, for now.                                       
I am creating...     a loving environment for my family. I'm trying to, anyway! lol                

I am hoping...        that the Doctors can figure out what is wrong with my children and me.                    
On my mind...        How can I be more like the Virtous Woman in Proverb 31?                          
Noticing that...   you can find God's Thumbprints on so many things, if you just look for them.                       
Pondering these words...   "...but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil." ~Romans 16:19                         
I am hearing...  all four boys, and myself, coughing and coughing.               
From the kitchen...   I made a double recipe of my Turkey Meatloaf, yesterday. I cooked one and froze the other one.  I need to be doing this more often, so when there are days I don't feel well, we're not spending money eating takeout. I can go get something, simple to fix, out of the freezer.                 
Around the house...  Things are slowly getting back in shape around here. If I had more energy, I could do things alot faster. Right now, I'm doing thngs for a few minutes, and then sitting and  resting.                                   
One of my favorite things...     Homemade Buttered Bread! Yummy!                     
A few plans for the rest of the week: See if the doctor can get me well, and then getting things accomplished faster. I need to keep the boys motivated, sick or not, to keep going at that schoolwork. I need a plan for my Sping Cleaning, so I need to start making a list.                       
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...                      

Landon lined up his Banana Cookies all by himself. He was so proud of himself.

Simple Woman's Daybook was started by


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