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Outside my window... very cloudy and warm.
I am thinking... of Anthony's Grandma. She's been very ill, lately, and we are not sure how much more she can take. I got to see her last week, and she's changed drastically since December.
I am thankful for... air conditioning!!!!!!
I am wearing... blue pants and green shirt with green flip flops.
I am going... to take the boys to help Mom and Dad dig potatoes Thursday evening. Hopefully, next week, my SIL and I can have a much needed Girl's Night Out. We wanted to do it one night this week, but life gets in the way. What with 4 boys of my own, and twins for her, it's hard to pin down a date we're both available.
I am currently reading... "The Parting" by Beverly Lewis
From the learning rooms... Having the oldest two reading about George Washington. They will soon be writting reports about what they have learned about our 1st President.
I am creating... Well, I'm trying to get the boys' room rearranged. We're getting rid of the crib and putting a full size in there instaerd. There's not much room, so it's taking some creativity. I'm also trying to find another dresser. Theirs are both old and broken.
I am hoping... to get Landon potty trained soon. We started yesterday. He likes to sit on his little potty, but hasn't quite figured out that he's supposed to potty in it. He did it 3 times yesterday, but they were all accidental. He was excited, so hopefully it won't be too hard to get him going.
On my mind... so many things at this time, that I can not write them down.
Pondering these words... Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
I am hearing... Veggie Tales Songs on the TV, the middle two boys are cleaning up their room, Lane is loading the dryer, and Landon is chomping his animal crackers. And now my dryer is making a strange noise! ACK!! Not good! I better see what Lane is doing....... Oh dear, I think it's broken. Lane turned it on and it started making a strange grating noise. NOT GOOD!!!!!
From the kitchen... I think I'll fix Talapia tonight.
Around the house... I have boxes of the boys clothing all over the house. I pulled them out of their closet and out from under the beds. I need to figure out what to do with them. Plus, I have a lot of laundry to do, and no dryer! That camping trip left me with a ton of laundry, and I didn't get it done yesterday.
One of my favorite things... little boys who are having a good time with each other.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Finish getting the boys' room fixed up with the new bed. Get all our camping trip evidence put away. Get Landon to go potty more often. I'd like for a bunch of people to come over after services Sunday Evening, to watch the fireworks from the park. We have a great view from our front yard. Gotta dig those Taters, too.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Landon, sitting on his new potty. He wasn't mad, I just happened to catch this expression when I snapped the shot! LOL I'm not sure what he was thinking.

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