Jump over to Sonbeams to check out the progress being made over there.
Well, Day 3 was suppose to be an all day family affair.... Yeah, THAT didn't work out so well. Hubby had to go help a guy with his air this morning, then he came home and did some yard work. (That needed done, I just hadn't planned on for today. :/ Oh well, it's done, though.)
1) Boys cleaned everything out of their closet.
2) All toys left the living room.
3) I worked in the kitchen, while they did all that.
4) Anthony has promised to get his clothing taken care of today, for me. (He still has time. Right?)
5) More spur of the moment errands. Went with Nicole to a couple of places, then went to the library and Wal-Mart. (Potluck tomorrow)
6) Hubby washed our sheets for me, while I was gone. :D
7) Brother-in-Law was suppose to come finish the second coat of mud on in the schoolroom, but began to feel bad, and stayed home.
8) Washed 2 loads of towels, 2 loads of jeans, and a load of clothes (the boys folded and put up all said loads). Will the laundry ever end???!!!
9) Found shirts for everyone for our picture session!
10) Cleaned the window in the Boys' room.
We had planned to get more done, but, we did quite a bit.
What did you get done today?

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