Friday, June 3, 2011

One Thousand Gifts: Part 2

Well, I've been reading "one thousand gifts" for a week, now. Click on the picture to order this book.

 So, what do I think about it?

While I'm finding it hard to read it, due to the fact that it seems the author starts rambling, alot; I still have enjoyed it. I just have to read it in bits and pieces.

The first chapter tells of two stories of children dying. The reason for this, I think, is to show you why the author felt the need to have joy in her life.

The second chapter, she has a horrid nightmare, that makes her realize that she wanted to live life to the fullest. She reads Luke 22:19. She reads a word ~ Eucharisteo. She begins to really pay attention to this word, and what it means. She pretty much did a word study on this Greek word.

An excerpt from chapter 2:
     " I whisper it out loud, let the tongue feel these sounds, the ear hear their truth.
       Charis. Grace.
       Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving.
       Chara. Joy.
       A triplet of stars, a constellation in the black.
       A threefold cord that might hold a life? Offer a way up into the fullest life?
       Grace, thanksgiving, joy. Eucharisteo.
       A Greek word... that might make meaning of everything?"

Wow!! Very powerful!

The rest of the chapter is about how she spends a few days thinking about and studying how to have grace, thanksgiving, and joy.

I cannot wait to read the next chapter!!

*Disclaimer* I am not being paid to give this review. No one asked me to give this review. I just want to share with others what I am learning!!

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