Duchess, Lane's new hamster, just wasn't working out. The little rat kept biting! The first time she bit me, I chalked it up to nervusness and fright. When she bit Lane, he also had startled her. But, the 3rd,4th,even the 8th time was enough. We couldn't even get her out of the cage, to clean it, with out getting bit. So, Monday, Anthony and Lane went to Petco (who have a 15 day garantee) and exchanged Duchess (Fancy Dwarf) for a male Teddy Bear Hamster. Lane promptly named him, Oreo!

Now, we have had Oreo for several days. In that time frame, he has NOT ONCE even TRIED to nip at anyone. He's a cute little booger. He's a MESSY little booger (just like any male--lol).

I have been able to hold Oreo,and let the boys pet him. He's still to squirmy to let them try to hold. I'm not willing to have to try to chase a RAT around my house! lol

So, I think that Oreo will work out MUCH better than Duchess did. None of us are TOO sad to see her go.
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