Today's post is all about my "OFFICE". My office consists of a very small section of the Living Room/Dining Room/Baby's Play Area/Office/
I live at my desk, it seems. Looking up Homeschooling info, Finding great coupons, Paying those bills, Checking my e-mail (and such)....... The boys also do their Spelling Tests on the computer, and Blake does some Preschool things on there also. So, it tends to be the dumping ground for mail, papers, notes, lists, books, my purse......

But, after one Target bag full of trash,

And some rearranging, over and over......

and just now realizing that I did not pick up the shoes, yet......LOL

It's still not what I want, but it will have to do. There is absolutely no other way I can think of, without spending money on something.
The reason for everything looking a little crowded to one side, and the other being empty? Landon's Playpen sits right beside the desk. He got taller and now can reach whatever I put in that space. So, until he no longer needs to be corralled at times, I guess I'll have to leave it this way.
Coming up next: Bathroom
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