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FOR TODAY... March 23, 2010
Outside my window... The sun is shining, but it is chilly out there.
I am thankful for... Pull-Ups and Good Nites.
I am wearing... A Black Jean Skirt with Purple Stitching, a Purple and White Striped Shirt, and my Comfy House Shoes.
I am remembering... all of my family and friends who are in the process of adopting. May the process be sped up for you all, so you all may bring those sweet babies home.
I am going... to take the boys to get their Book-It Pizzas one day, this week. And I need to go get milk.
I am currently reading... all the blogs I follow. I got a little behind this past week. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, and not much time doing much else.
From the learning rooms... The boys are SO excited about they're new work! For the first time EVER, they BEGGED to do MATH!!!!! Wow! Major step!
I am hoping... that we are done with all the sickies for a LONG time. We've had someone sick since Winter started. It was a long Winter. So ready for warmer weather.
Noticing that... two of my boys have bedtime potty problems. They have to wear Pull-Ups and Good Nites to bed. They can go days without being wet, but if they go to bed with undies on, they will wet the bed every time!!
Pondering these words... from Passionate Housewives ~ "In serving as her husband's helper, a wife performs many valuable roles. She is to be his solitary lover (Genesis 2:24; Song of Solomon 4; Proverb 5:19), his counselor (Proverb 31:26; 1 Kings 1:16-21), and his closest friend (1 Peter 3:17; Ephesians 5:33). She has the unique honor of mothering his children (Genesis 1:28, 3:20, 24:60) and keeping their home (Proverb 31:27; 1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 2:4-5). In all of her tasks, she seeks to further him as a man. His work of dominion is her work; she embraces his vision as her own as she promotes and enhances his life pursuits." ~ page 32, paragraph 4.
Personally, I'm not sure what 1 Peter 3:17 has to do with being his best friend. Maybe someone could tell me.
I am hearing... not much this morning. The boys are being fairly quiet right now. The school is on Spring Break, so there is not a lot of traffic, this week.
From the kitchen... All of my freezer cooking is finished! The only sad thing is, I forgot to take pictures! I think I took one or two, but I'm not used to snapping photos while cooking. I'll try to do better next time.
Anywho....I'm done, and we have lots of meals in the freezer. Yay!
One of my favorite things... Snail Mail! I still love getting cards and letters from people!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Get things back in order around here, Company's coming Thursday Evening, and Anthony and I have plans Friday Evening with 5 other couples. Could be a fun week.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Blake's first lesson in the "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons"!

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! Sounds like you are doing a great job with your boys. Keep relying on God to direct you...He will!
Hi Amy,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through the Simple Woman~I just started reading Passionate Housewives.. Love your blog!