Verse of the Day

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Simple Woman's Daybook ~24

For more daybooks ~ go here

FOR TODAY... August 3, 2010

Outside my window... it's very hot out there this week. It's been in the 100s.

I am thinking... I'll be glad when I can get us back to a routine.

I am thankful for... My Dad and all the others who have been helping me the last week.

I am wearing... My PJs

I am remembering... that I will be so glad I spent so much time on this project, when it gets done.

I am going... to try to paint the kitchen, laundry room, and living room floors today. It will be Thusday, before I can get them sealed. After that, just waiting til I can move stuff back into the house.

I am currently reading... Paint Cans! LOL

From the learning rooms... Still on break. Lord willing, we'll start back on the 16th!

I am creating... a new look for the house!

I am hoping... to post all my pics from the house makeover, very soon, along with my daily Bible posts.

On my mind... how I can get the house done and all the furniture moved back in at the earliest date possible.

Noticing that... things never go according to plan.

Pondering these words... Proverb 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

I am hearing... The boys and Nanny having conversation about there day coming up. Landon going around saying, "Good morning, Sunshine!!!"

From the kitchen... Still no stove and now I have sticky floors waiting to be painted today. So, no cooking going on at this time.

Around the house... It's all coming together. The walls are all painted, half the floors are painted and sealed, and the other half is primed and ready.

One of my favorite things... green walls!

A few plans for the rest of the week: finish the floors and then start moving furniture back in as soon as we can. Also, I need to spray paint a couple of shelves, so they can be put back in the closets. I'm also going to have to do a few touch up jobs.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...  This is the bathroom floor. The entire house will be this color.


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