My Daily Scripture Posts have been sadly neglected. I have all my thoughts down, I just need to find the time to put them on here. A few of them have taken me some time to study out and others I have got nothing to say about them. Those would be easy to put up, but since I'm doing it all in the order I'm reading, they are having to wait, too. lol
I'm still trying to get all the pictures together from our house "remodel". Plus I'm still trying to go through boxes, as well!
The Schoolroom has walls, but the mudding and taping are taking awhile. My BIL, Richard, is doing that for us, and he's pretty busy, too. Plus, he's going on vacation, soon, so it may be awhile. Not complaining, April! LOL
The boys have been sick again, and we're trying to do our schoolwork! (and keep Landon occupied, too)
Landon started Potty Training, again, yesterday, so THAT's taking up so major time. His undies are in a box (that hasn't been found, yet) somewhere in the garage. He's not real thrilled about it. It takes time away from playing. lol But, when he potties, he's SOOOO excited about it! Goofy boy!
Ahhhhhhhhh! I feel a little overwhelmed, at times!
Yesterday, I joined a Curriculum Swap, and managed to find several people willing to take some things of my hands. All they have to do is pay me for shipping costs! Yay! I haven't heard back if I've won anything, yet, though. I've heard back from two that said I didn't get their stuff, but I'm still holding out hope. I will only have to pay shipping, so that's awesome.
I'm trying to get Blake interested in reading. I'm not sure if he couldn't care less, or if he's just not getting it yet. He may be one of those who needs more time. We're just going to keep trying, and keep giving him easier work to do, til he does. I still have all the "Kindergarten" Workbooks from CLE, which some are too easy, that we're letting him do. I recently got All About Spelling, so when he finishes the CLE work, we'll move on to some of that. After that?.............. Any suggestions will be gratefully taken!
So, my life is busy, and that's why I haven't been seen on here much! So, if you start seeing a lot of posts, it's not because I was on here all day. LOL It's because I've managed to find some time in the evenings, and then scheduled the posts for the next day. LOL That's the way to do it, anyway!
These were both taken during the first attempt. I've moved the potty into the living room, so I don't have to spend all my time in the bathroom. This way, he can sit on his potty, and I can go about my business and still watch him.
Well, I better go get busy with ALL THAT STUFF I HAVE TO DO!!!!!
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