I've been reading to the boys a few chapters before we start school, every morning. (Well, I say that, but we're still trying to get our schedule going. I don't always remember, which is terrible, I know. But, I'm trying.)
Anyway, we've taken a different approach, this year. I have four boys(three of whom sit and listen). They tend to bore easily (not Lane, but the other two.) So, my wonderful Sister-in-Law gave me an idea, and my Brother helped by sending me a copy of what they've been doing.
Instead of reading the Bible strait through, or reading even a particular book straight through, we divide it up per day. It goes something like this: Sundays are Psalms. Pretty easy since you read 2 or 3 chapters and they are mostly shorter than most. Mondays are Genesis-Deuteronomy. Tuesdays are Gospels and Acts. Wednesdays are Job-Song of Solomon (except Psalms). Thursdays are History Books of Old Testament. Fridays are the Epistles. ANd Saturdays are The Prophecy Books in the Old and New Testaments.
We started this on August 2nd (since it was the Sunday before we started school). So far I've managed to do Sun, Mon,and Tues last week and Sun and Mon this week. My goal is to do this every morning (maybe Sun evening and Sat afternoon) before we start school. I've noticed that on the days we've Read and then Prayed, we've had a better day. Lord-willing I can start remembering to do this. Please pray with me that I'll have a better memory!
I want my boys to learn the Bible so that they may one day be able to Preach and Edify others. Lane's already close to that day. He's been a member of the Body of Christ for a year, now. He's really struggled ( which is one of the reasons we pulled them out of Public School when we did). Please pray for him also.
2Timothy 2:15- "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Hanging Chaise Lounger Hammock Chair with Canopy
10 hours ago
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