Verse of the Day

Monday, January 4, 2010

Genesis 1-3

Monday, January 4, 2010
Genesis 1-3

So, today, I read the first 3 chapters of Genesis.
Let's think about verse one for a moment. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Wouldn't you have loved to have been there and watched God inaction onthose first six days? God says, "Let there be.....", and there was! That is the most amazing an awesome powerful thing I've ever heard of. I love the little saying, "I believe in the Big Bang Theory. God said it, and Bang it happened!" Love it!

Moving onto chapter 3. Adam and Eve sinned and were banished fro the Garden of Eden. All th bad things out in the world started because of them. They couln't resist eating that fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Have you ever tried to imagine what lfe would be like for us today, if they had resisted and ate of the Tree of Life, instead? Interesting thought, isn't it?

Any comments? Feel free. Tomorrow's Chapters: Matthew 1-4.

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